Getting started with SEAF

SEAF pre-requisites

The following needs to be installed on a machine to start working with SEAF:

Installing SEAF

To install SEAF, just unzip the download file into a directory of your choice.

Directory structure of SEAF

The following table summarizes the directory structure of SEAF. SEAF is included in the download file in subdirectory seaf.
Directory Content
app Contains the application-specific configuration files:
  • The SLIS xml configuration file
  • The language-specific properties files to localize the application into multiple languages
appsrc Contains the application Java source files.
build The main build directory of the application. The SEAF runtime framework classes are pre-filled into the build directory.
functional Contains the functional test suite automated using Canoo WebTest and DBUnit.
generator Contains the SEAF XSLT generator files.
resources Contains the application-specific files to be included into the web context path, e.g. the HTML Cascading Style Sheet file.
SEAF root Contains the Ant build file – build.xml.

Running the provided application on JBoss

1. After installing SEAF, customize the Ant build file. Go to the SEAF directory (the directory with the build.xml file) and edit the build.xml file. Set the following properties in section "Development environment-specific settings" as follows: 2. Now build the provided application: execute ant in the SEAF directory (type 'ant' and press Enter). This generates the application files, builds the application distribution EAR file and hot deploys the application on your JBoss application server.

3. Start the JBoss application server, if not already started.

4. Point your web browser to http://localhost:8080/csvc. This should bring up the screens of the application. Follow these instructions to start working with the application.

Running the provided application on Sun Java Application Server

1. After installing SEAF, customize the Ant build file. Go to the SEAF directory (the directory with the build.xml file) and edit the build.xml file. Set the following properties in section "Development environment-specific settings" as follows: 2. Now build the provided application: execute ant in the SEAF directory (type 'ant' and press Enter). This generates the application files and builds the application distribution EAR file.

3. Start the Sun Java Application Server, if not already started:

4. Deploy the application: 5. Point your web browser to http://localhost:8080/csvc. This should bring up the screens of the application. Follow these instructions to start working with the application.

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